MOWSV Staff Joins Blue Zone Project

The staff at Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley is excited and energized to be part of the Blue Zone Project (BZP). BZP has activities that help organizations, like Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley, make healthy choices easier. By getting involved in Blue Zones Project, the staff at MOWSV helps to:
• Fuel the movement to Move Naturally, reducing health problems and boosting energy within your organization.
- About 69% of the Americans are classified as overweight or obese. BZP actions encourage cycling, active meetings and events, active interests, and supportive social connections.
• Lead the way to having the Right Outlook, advancing a sense of purpose, meaning, and loyalty within your organization.
- People who find meaning at work are 93 percent more engaged and more than three times as likely to stay engaged with their organizations.
• Make it easy to Eat Wisely. People make more than 200 food decisions every day, and what we eat impacts our health and daily performance.
- One study linked unhealthy eating to a 66 percent higher risk of productivity loss.
• Help people in your organization Connect with each other and the broader community, increasing awareness of your group and its positive impact.