Salinas program - Volunteer of the Quarter JUNE 2024

Congratulations to our Salinas program Volunteer of the Quarter – 4th quarter - Chuck Skupniewicz! Chuck has been a very reliable and willing volunteer to deliver any route we need him on. Chuck started volunteering with MOWSV in September of 2022 as a substitute meal delivery driver. “Since I like variety in my routine and a bit of the unexpected, being a substitute driver suits me just fine,” says Chuck. “I most enjoy interacting with our clients during my deliveries. It could be just a few words and a smile, or giving them time to vent about something important in their lives. I always make sure I'm not in a hurry that day, because you never know what might come up during the route. It also has helped me to 'slow down' in retirement and appreciate my life more,” Chuck added.
Chuck retired from Civil Service in the US Navy about 2 1/2 years ago, where he had a long career (almost 40 years) as a meteorologist/oceanographer. At the Naval Postgraduate School, he spent a lot of time doing scientific research and assisting students with their analyses. The work required him to perform experiments from ships and aircraft in unusual places like the Arctic, the North Sea, and the tropics. At the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Chuck managed a group of scientists developing software and running operational environmental models for Sailors and Marines deployed throughout the world. He shared “I felt honored for the chance to work for the men and women of the US Navy and Marine Corps.”
After retirement, life moves on. Chuck said, “Like a lot of retirees, my grand plans for retirement have changed quite a bit due to changes of heart and life circumstances.” He 'bounced around' a lot the first few years, but volunteering had always been part of his plan, and he’s happy to have become part of the MOWSV team. “After talking with my friend and neighbor, who is a long-time Meals on Wheels volunteer, I signed up about 2 years ago,” stated Chuck. “The MOWSV team has been professional and welcoming from the start.”
Congratulations Chuck on being honored as Volunteer of the Quarter. We are glad to have you on our team!